20 Nov 17

Internationalization key to vehicle leasing

Assuring clients free mobility across national borders is one of the main ways automobile leasing companies can leverage themselves against competitors, Latin America leasing expert Mirella Juarez told Global Fleet in an interview.

"In Central America, legislation in each country is different. Despite this complexity, we are able to guarantee cross-border services for our clients," said Juarez who is the CEO of Guatamala-based automobile leasing group Arrend Leasing.

One of the main goals of Arrend Leasing next year is to assure that all of its products and services fully meet the expectations of the clients referred to them by their regional partners, ALD Automotive and Wheels Inc.

"We want to provide them with the same quality of service they are accustomed to on a global level," said Juarez.

Authored by: Daniel Bland