28 aoû 19

AfMA: What is the fleet client in Australasia looking for?

Mace Hartley, the Australasian Fleet Management Association’s Executive Director, opened Connector’s M15 session in Sydney. Commenting on the theme “Flexible, Connected & Shared”, Mace represents Australia’s fleet clients and supply chain and shared the views, questions and ambitions of the AfMA members.

Watch the video or read more below:

About AfMA

AfMA is a non-profit organisation that has been representing the fleet industry in Australia, New Zealand and Asia for 24 years. 500 members, divided in 25% suppliers and 75% vendors, have joined AfMA in its objective to promote Fleet Management as a true profession. AfMA is consulted by institutions such as the Climate Council of Australia and provides tangible support for its members through tools, education and advice.

Innovation @ AfMA

AfMA will be launching in October a supplier accreditation program where candidates will be invited to complete a couple of learning modules, focused on doing business with any of the 400,000 Australian companies with 20 cars or less. When accomplished, the supplier’s sales people will be able to assist their clients in other ways than just selling a vehicle or service: they will become true fleet advisors. It demonstrates AfMA’s objectives to provide assistance, not only to the large fleet suppliers and clients, but also the SMEs that would typically not attend AfMA events or seminars.

Black Swan events

Mace went straight ahead and stated that “flexible, connected and shared” is ultimately about money: technology put to use to increase asset utilisation and reduce total cost of ownership. As we’re heading into Industry 4.0, the most tangible resources that have become available to Fleet Managers are all about connectivity & how to use it to improve the efficiency of mobility or logistics.

Black Swan events are events in history that come as a surprise, have a major effect, but become normalized after the fact. Mace showed the audience a picture of Japanese robot, carrying an elderly person. These robots are being deployed in Japan to replace physical staff in the healthcare industry. An other example are drones that are approved to deliver small packages in the Australian state of Queensland, disrupting the logistics industry. Both examples demonstrate a black swan event: disruption through technology.

Technology is disrupting the fleet industry in a similar way: micro-mobility, ride hailing and car sharing have already disrupted how we move around. Subscriptions and on-demand have changed how we buy mobility; infotainment and smart city infrastructure have found a way to our daily commuting habits,… but the tech Black Swan has a potential to go much further.

What’s the game changer?

Mace concluded by asking a question to the audience: “It’s not up to me to deliver solutions, but I do want to open doors. The providers in the room are delivering the tools that Fleet Managers will be using, once the disruption is normalised. This is why it’s important to attend this type of event: to broaden your horizons and understand what is inevitable. The question is: what is your game changer? How are you achieving your goals of cost savings, safety and emissions in a new world where technology is giving you new tools?”

The new tech is there and mindsets are changing. But will Fleet Managers accept?

Authored by: Yves Helven